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a fan · 26d

Might be controversial but for me, the t/b not being tag is not a matter of "oh this author on Twitter wrote a story I'm gonna read, oh? Wait it is not tagged and if the dynamic I want is not there I'm gonna stop reading" but rather a "today I'm craving a story with A top and B bottom I'm gonna go to AO3 and look for those tags and see what I find" if is is not tagged you might miss a story you might have liked because it doesn't show when you look for that specific. Complaining about people wanting that tag to search easily (which is what the tags are for) is like publishing a fic with all the characters but not tagging the pair because "if you like the story it should put you off that the pair is not the want you want to read, discovering who is the couple shouldn't make you stop reading or else is because you can only see these people this way and you have a problem". Which is the speech of every t/b tag anti. "If you're liking the story why would you care who gets it in the ass?" Well maybe at that moment I was craving for other dynamic? Maybe I woke up wanting At and Bb and tomorrow I'll read the story with Ab and Bt, is it so wrong to want a tag to organize your reading??

you lost me at “every t/b tag anti,” I’ve never let anyone speak for me and I never will. if you’re specifically reacting to what I, me, myself said I stand by it, I don’t think wether someone tops or bottoms should change their personality or dynamic, there’s a difference between top and bottom and sub and dom and they aren’t interchangeable. that’s what I was saying, I actually didn’t saying ANYTHING about tagging or not tagging, I was merely commenting about the language being used around it. which makes me think you didn’t even read my post at all tbh.
someone topping or bottoming shouldn’t inherently change the dynamic. wether someone is a sub or a dom or anything has nothing to do with who’s doing what.

I hope that clears things up for you.

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