Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a fan · 24d

unpopular opinion: I am worried about a large part of the fandom, because there are many people who believe that jsvng's pain tolerance is low: (based on videos where you can tell jsvng is acting or pretending for the camera or from their own imagination)

And let's not even talk about all the fanfics where they write jsvng that way:

Sometimes this fandom worries me, is it even normal that they think that a 24-year-old man, an idol with a busy schedule, a gym boy and also with huge tattoos has a low tolerance for pain, even when he himself confirmed the opposite by saying that those huge tattoos DID NOT HURT and that he CAN handle the pain in his body?

It's unfortunate that certain people in the fandom think that, I wonder what jsvng would think if he read all those lies about him, even though he himself confirmed that his pain tolerance is high. I'm sorry that it was so long or with too many links, but a large part of the fandom still doesn't understand it or are still blind to not seeing reality (or they simply don't want to see it) what do you think about this?

hi hi,

I didn’t open any of these links, cause I don’t know why people send other peoples posts to me in the first place like this.

so imma be honest I don’t understand why this worries you so much. first off jsng probably wouldn’t care. like if I had a high pain tolerance but people didn’t believe me i’d say “okay cool” and move on????

also, like thinking or talking about him having a low pain tolerance is like pretty mild, one it’s fanFICTION, and two people talk bout him as a squirrel hybrid, or as a mob boss, a lot of times was “real” and “true” doesn’t matter when it comes to our posts, cause like it’s for fun???

idk, I can’t tell if you’re trolling, but I really hope you’re not too upset about it.

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