Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Joshea Perrin

You are your own person, truly

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Got anything in mind?


Dear anon · 3mo

Would you eat a cactus?

Dear anon · 3mo

hayi kaka joce, ayo main sama aku >_<

Josh · 5mo

What's your favorite movie of all time?

Of all time, hmm I think it's The Mummy trilogy.. since I got so used to watching it since childhood, also Pride and Prejudice!

Riordane. · 16 answers · 5mo

Team tuang susu dulu baru sereal, atau sereal dulu baru susu?

Hmmm not the type to have this as breakfast but when I do, I pour the cereal first before the milk 🤭 dedek juga nggak?

Riordane. · 10 answers · 5mo

Do you have any comfort movies you recommend? I'm open to any genre.

Ooh I have some that I used to watch frequently: The Mummy trilogy, Pride and Prejudice, and While You Were Sleeping (1999)! Nanti kita nonton itu bertiga yuk anakku?

Riordane. · 10 answers · 5mo

Welcoming the long weekend, what are your plans for it guys?

Riordane. · 19 answers · 5mo

May I know, what's your repeat song lately?

Hmm it's a bit hard to choose dedeek since there are a lot of good music released recently, but if mamih really gotta pick one, it's Sabrina Carpenter's bed chem in her newest album Short n Sweet 🥰

G · 3 answers · 10mo

Menurut kalian kalian anomali apa

𝓡. · 4 answers · 10mo

Hi! Apaaa ada yang mau followan di X? If you don't mind aku hobinya ngehype drakor and film :c

Dear anon · 10mo

😆😆😆😆😆😆lucunya masih sama gapapa kak. aku cuman mampir aja sebentar

Hmm, all right then. I'm thankful for your visit, nonetheless. Nanti mampir mampir lagi ya cantik! 🥰

Dear anon · 10mo

Capaya 🤭 clue: aku cantik hahaha aku kabarnya juga baik aja kok kak mampir bentar sekalian iseng tanya 😉 Seneng liat kak joshe kalo baik-baik aja disini dan lucunya masih sama. Oh aku kira lagi pdkt kak soalnya lusa ya kalo ga salah sempet tweet udah dapet pacar spek jongseong jadi aku kira 😭

HAH SIAPA are we mutuals?! 🤨🧐 Oo okie cantik tapi aku beneran clueless kamu siapa!! Apalagi pake kak cause I think my mutuals are around my age or older?? 🤯 Anyway that's so sweet of you, makasih ya for the kind thoughts.. hahaha nggaak lagian tweet ngasal dipercaya 😩👊🏼

Dear anon · 10mo

Hai kak joshe, kangen banget ngobrol lagi sama kamu :( apa kabar? Semoga semua baik-baik aja ya kak. Dilihat-lihat kak joshe lagi deket or pdkt sama ava jay ya?

Hey! Siapa ini yaa 🧐 kenapa panggil kak memangnya kamu lebih muda? 🤔 Alhamdulillah, yang di sini baik kabarnya. Masih bernafas 😁 kamu baik juga nggak kabarnya? Aamiin, semoga doanya kembali yah! Hahaha loh bukan sama pfpnya doang, sama yang aslinya ini ril aku habis romantic dinner rayain ulang tahunnya semalam 😋

Dear anon · 10mo

Display name nya pake emoji skateboard. Suka main?

Halo! Hahaha sorry to break your expectations (if ever there was any), but unfortunately I don't. I actually never learned how to play the skateboard, but it's always fascinating to me watching those who can whenever I spotted them at the park. Aku pake emot ini karena Jaeyun dulu suka main skateboard, jadi secara nggak langsung emot skateboard bikin aku inget Jaeyun terus 😆 semoga menjawab ya!

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