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Leo · 25d

How could you see yourself 10 year from now?

I don't know and never know. Humans are changeable, more precisely the contents of their hearts. But I just hope, I can be a better person and doesn't harm others.

Leo · 25d

Without mention their name, tell something to this person.

Hara bakal jawab dengan bahasa Indonesia. Biar siapa pun bisa baca. Tolong, kemarin sudah bikin kecewa dan jangan lagi datang disaat Hara sudah bahagia dan baik-baik aja. Tolong, ketika orang lain sudah merasa tenang, jangan lagi mengusik kebahagiaan org itu. Ada banyak cara loh, untuk bahagia tanpa merebut kebahagiaan org lain, tanpa merugikan atau nyakitin org lain.

Leo · 25d

Do you ever has some terrible mistake during your day? What is it?

I have and I think it's everyday, it's trusting humans or we called them 'people'.

Leo · 25d

Okay, so, what it looks like of an apocalypse in your POV?

It depends so it will definitely be different for each person. For me, when between right or wrong intersect and can't be distinguished. So, confused about where is the truth.

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