
i wish to bloom lovely forever 。⁠*⁠♡

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little dove · 9mo

makannya Hamas g usa bnyk gaya 😂😂 begitu dibales plays victims

little dove · 9mo

yadeh si plg Palestine . yakin g ngikutin trend ae ?

Kamu KONYOL, sesimple sebar awareness dibilang ikut trend. Boleh Tanya mutual priv accku, I've been talking about Palestine a couple of times and actively sharing awareness IRL too. I will not be sharing my patience with someone like you, just go get a life.

little dove · 9mo

Your thoughtfulness warms my heart, my dear Little Dove. Just picture the happiness in me, in a less-than-perfect state, finding solace in these words. It is a truly lovely thought, and I am immensely grateful for your kindness and unwavering support. Your understanding means a lot, my dear, but just to be open, I might not be as active for a little while as I am still having bunches of works to do. Thank you so much for your kindness. Please take a care of yourself well, too. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with endless peace and happiness. You are so lovely. 🤍

little dove · 9mo

kakak fleurdevivre... kamu kemana.... akun twitter kamu ga ada di aku... aku pengen baca tulisan kakak lagii :(

My dearest, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for deactivating my account. Life has thrown a whirlwind of tasks my way, leaving me with scarcely a moment to call my own. But now, my account is alive and well again! Feel free to access my works and read them! And, to be honest, your message means the world to me and fills my heart with warmth and appreciation— thank you so much for that!

little dove · 9mo

Hello, Mademoiselle. I’ve been looking at your profile for a quite some time, and to be honest i develop my feelings to adore you. You look so beautiful and mesmerizing in your smile- you deserve tons of happiness in your life and every single little things in it, because happiness suits you the most. Anyway- don’t forget your jacket to keep you warm in these cold. 🖤

Hello, my sincere apologies for the delay in my response. I want to express how genuinely heartwarming it is to receive such a beautiful message from you. Your kind words have touched my soul in a profound way, and for that, I am immensely grateful. You truly are the sweetest. May the universe bestow upon you an abundance of wonderful blessings and joys in this world. Your kindness and warmth are truly lovely, and I feel really fortunate to have crossed paths with someone as remarkable as you. Sure, I will keep your message in mind. Please do not forget to take care of yourself, too.

little dove · 9mo

Kk mau nanyak kalau ngedraft tulisan biasanya pakai laptop atau handphone aja bisa? 😯😯😯😯

Aku kadang pakai keduanya sih! Cuman karena ideku datangnya tiba-tiba, aku jadi lebih sering pakai handphone gitu. Jadi, biasanya aku tulis dulu di notes, lalu ke Medium dan simpan sebagai draft.

little dove · 10mo

Halo, kalau boleh tau kamu pakai filter apa ya buat edit foto yang kanan? I would love it if you could answer this because it looks really pretty. Thank You. 🙇

Hey! Itu aku cuman screenshot (kualitas fotonya jadi nurun karena ini), terus langsung aku kasih filter BnW yang dari Twitter! ^^

little dove · 10mo

You are the epitome of beauty; every time I see you on my timeline, especially while I am looking at your stunning profile page, I feel at peace. Each post you write is gorgeous, and I adore them all.

If I were the epitome of beauty to you, you, in turn, embody the definition of loveliness in my eyes. I am deeply honoured by the way you perceive me, and it is quite surprising because, to be very honest, I do not think I have done enough ... but let me express my deepest gratitude for your kindness that touched my soul here. That is very kind of you, really. You are the sweetest, lovely. Wishing you a day of peace ahead.

· 10mo

Hi, pretty. I just want to say that I’m so happy that we finally can be mutuals! Your writings have passed my timeline several times and I love it… really. Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece of art. ♥

Mbak ... my heart overflows with gratitude and happiness for the heart-warming message you left here. Your words have not only made my heart flutter but have also reached the very core of my being. Your kindness deserves to be showered with all the sweetness the world has to offer. Wishing you a beautiful day ahead, may life bring much joy your way! Xoxo. ❤

little dove · 10mo

Kamu lucu juga ya.

little dove · 10mo

hi... i just stumble upon your retrospring because your writing passed by my timeline and i fell in love at the way you write... thank you for the beautiful writings! keep up the good work because i would love to read your writings again! i hope you don'nt mind if i'm telling this thru your retrospring hehe! have a great day!

Oh my goodness, hello! I am just over the moon that you took the time to dive into my writing and it warms my heart to know that you love my writing, too! Aaa, I feel like I am at a loss for words. Your encouragement means a lot to me. Well, I will not be making any promises but I will try to write as much as I can soon in the future! And sure, I would not mind having you visit my retrospring again ... ah, if only I could thank you in person. :( You are so kind. Wishing you a lovely night's rest, with a heart as light as a feather. Have a wonderful night and until we meet again, Little Dove. 🤍

Mirabella Ajram. · 4 answers · 10mo

hello, precious! how is your october in a week? it would be fun if you shared the life-story. :3

Aaa I am so late to give this a reply but October has been a real blessing to me so far, sayang! I haven't encountered any new things sih but October feels much better than September, me thinks! What about you? 🥺

ʚ(ȉˬȉ⁎)ɞ˒˒ · 10mo

give me a song recommendation, pleek!

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