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Thank you? Please do reach me out in dm ya kalau emang ada yang perlu diobrolin, no pressure

Nathaniel · 20d

Boleh gak temenan lagi?

HEY! Boleh lah, i've been wondering where were you soalnya akunmu hilang? Please do reach me out, kenalan ulang ya :p

Jonathan · 4mo

Is there any phrases or sentences you'd like to hear from your loved ones?

Something like they appreciate me, or proud of me for doing the smallest thing. "thank you for being kind to yourself" something like that! : ]

Jace · 2 answers · 2mo

Recommend me sci-fi or mystery movies/series to watch, please?

Jace · 8 answers · 3mo

Tell me that one random quote that lives in your mind rent free! It could be from a book, movie, series, or anything.

"If by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again, fall in love with me." — Atlas to Lily, It Ends with Us.

Jace · 4 answers · 3mo

Saran stok indomie rasa apa aja untuk bulan ini.

Human · 3mo

What kind of person are you when you are in love?

A very stupid but logical one (if that makes sense). I'm usually the cold headed one and I always put other first especially when I'm with my loved ones, without forgetting to put me first obviously. I'm the 'let me peel you an orange, I want you to eat well', and the 'pour out your concern on me if you're ready, i'm here' one. Thank you for the question, this makes me thought about it a lot

Sun · 4 answers · 3mo

If you were a song, what song it would be?

Human · 3mo

es jeruk atau es teh manis

Human · 3mo


Human · 3mo

Hallo, coba tebak? Ya bener, aku masih naksir. Hehe

Human · 3mo

makan malam apa ya malam ini

Eh jujur aku juga lagi bingung mau makan apa tapi malas makan, tapi pengin taichan banget dari kemarin. Saran dari aku makan pecel ayam (laper beneran)

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