Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 9mo

GIRLnee more like SHEnee (your fem-svt fic is so fun, im excitedly and patiently waiting for more of all those creative and horny ladies)

I know GIRLNee is literally what a huge part of the fandom calls their girl versions but the pun with SHENee is incredible. I like a good pun after all. ^^

thank you, it's also a lot of fun to write. I've got an outline and a rough idea of where everything is going. there is going to be so much worldbuilding and so much backstory to some of the main relationships. I just like this chaotic bunch of fic writers (and their supportive fic reader friends) so much - once again, this is one of my stories that is basically a love letter to the queer people I know irl as well as to the fandom friends I've made online (and have also in some cases had the chance to meet irl).

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