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goodviber · 1mo

You’ve tweeted a few times about dongren potentially not being on the best of terms for a bit during smoothie promotions, I was wondering what moments made you think that? Because I definitely got that vibe during 7llin. When rj tried to banter with hc by referencing a dating show, there was a moment before hc responded where all the members were tense and just eying them, like they were afraid it would go south. I was like “wait, are they fighting 😳”

Yes 7llin was one of the instances that made me think something was going on. It’s subtle but it just felt like hc wasn’t really in the mood to be playful or to entertain banter with rj (or anyone). And he made a point to say how different he is from rj (during the mbti talk) that TO ME felt …loaded

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