Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Almayra. · 4mo

Kamu cantik, cantik, cantik daridulu. BENERAN SECANTIK ITU. Glad to see you're happy yah— mau tanya apa ya? What's your favorite moment with me?

Aren’t you being too sweet? I love you for always showering me with compliments. It has been 4 years? Or 5 years? Since the first time I met you and you have always been so pretty as well. Well um.. kalau harus milih 1 aja kayanya I would say moment awal-awal kita ngadmin bareng? Itu peak kedekatan kita, iya kan? I’m so glad that we spent some good days before. Let’s make something more memorable!

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