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Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Best gay fanfics read? In general, I feel like reading something

Hmmm, to be completely honest I've not been the most prolific fanfic reader in recent years. There's a few I remember fondly, but I've be hard pressed to find them at a moment's notice.

I'd hate to leave it at such an unsatisfying answer though, so I will offer this fanfic from a few years back that I think exemplifies what I tend to like.

Might feel a bit hard to follow if you aren't familiar with Digimon, but I enjoy the doting, tender gay longing. The pulling on heart strings. The expectation. Did I mention the gay longing?

(Maybe I just enjoy stories that make me agonize internally?)

It sadly was never fully finished, but it's still a good heartwarming read.

If that's too much cheesy fluff for you (I understand), I'll also throw in this one that's a little more silly (and lewd) in nature, with a twist ending that still gets a chuckle out of me:

Dunno if anyone would call these the BEST, but I like them.

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