Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
I just overheard my sister saying the Ness and Lucas plush should have magnets inside their hands so they can hold eachother and I was like "aww, that's cute :)" and then she also said Lucas should have magnets around his nipples area and butt.
Querido! Feliz navidad! Espero que sea una navidad muy bonita para ti y quienes te rodean, solo pasaba para escribirte esto y agradecerte por ser alguien muy agradable y comprensivo conmigo! Riendo a ser muy introvertida y muy difícilmente me cuesta mostrar mi arte. Pero tú eres una persona que ha hecho las cosas muy agradables y lo aprecio! También amo mucho tus comentarios insanos, son los mejores!!! 🎄🎉❤️🎉❤️🎄❤️🎄❤️🎉❤️🎄🎄✨❤️🎄❤️🎄❤️🎄❤️🎄
¡Feliz navidad, querida! Gracias por todos los buenos deseos 😊
Igual espero lo mismo para tí. Se que este año ha tenido sus altas y bajas, pero espero que tanto la temporada como el año venidero te traigan mucha felicidad ^^
Siempre es un gusto interactuar contigo y con tu arte y me siento honrado con la confianza que me has dado. Comentarios insanos, nunca te faltarán xD
Cuídate mucho y que disfrutes las fechas ☺️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I just want to tell you that I read your answer to the last question I asked you. and let me tell you that of all the things I could expect regarding the subject. at least, with you. was an answer... more than interesting, I find it reflective. You changed my perspective, I was expecting something more morbid but yours is so different that it surprised me. in a good way.Thank you for giving me that new perspective, I appreciate that you took the time to answer
watching "which super smash character canonically had sex" and they skipped Ness and Lucas smh.
What makes a character from a series attractive to you?
Hmmm, I wouldn't say there's any hard rules per se, but some traits do help.
Appearance-wise I like characters who lean towards nerdy or dorky. Glasses are a big plus as is curly loose hair. Usually with a small/thin complexion. Freckles are a nice bonus, too.
Personality wise, I tend to lean towards characters who are reserved and maybe even a bit shy. Characters who are caring and kind deep down even if it doesn't always show.
Overall, the biggest factor probably is the role they play in their series and how their character arc develops. What works and what doesn't is very story dependent so it's hard to pinpoint a specific detail, but at some point during the series I'll find myself rooting for a particular character and I'll know I found them.
What got you into the mother series
Retrospring is going down and under.
It so joever 💔💔💔
Do you have any other ships?
From the mother series? I like Tony x Jeff and Ninten x Lloyd a good bit.
From other franchises, I'm quite fond of Taichi x Koushiro from digimon. Ken x Daisuke is fun too, though I'm slightly less invested. Bojji x Kage is kind of a weird one that I got into thanks to an artist that used to draw them a lot. Yuzuhiko x Fujino from atashin'chi is a rare pair I wish got more attention. Things like maxvid when I'm feeling freaky. TBH if two characters make a cute gay couple I will ship them to some extent.
Naturally I ship all the faggot stuff too. Creek, Luberto, Pico x Boyfriend... Y'know, all the cringe stuff the gays are into.
I also ship a few of my friend's OCs, but those are probably less relevant.
In your opinion. What is better?
The general, talking about sex. Is hard, fast, rough and wild sex better? Or tender, slow, vanilla and loving sex?
I like tender and slow. That isn't to say fast, rough sex can't be loving, but I like the idea of guys taking their time to consider each other, soak in the moment and generally just enjoy each other's company.
I like to think of sex as a means, not an end. Where the goal is to grow closer to someone you like and share an intimate moment with them. I think in a healthy relationship, sex is just one of the many tools you have to share with your partner.
Of course, not everyone has sex in the context of a relationship and that's ok, but in terms of what I would prefer for myself, loving is definitely the way to go.
Television series that you like?
How did you know you are gay?
For me it wasn't really a single moment where it all became clear. Since I was in school I never really felt particularly attracted to girls, but I figured I was too young and that was just something that'd happen later. Same with TV characters, where I would often pass up the girls when they showed up like, in bikinis and stuff and would pay attention to the boys instead.
These were all things that happened subconsciously for the longest time without me really trying to think what they could mean. I come from a fairly religious family as well, so the idea of being gay simply was unthinkable. It wasn't something I was programmed to ever consider.
Then I started frequenting fandom forums online where people shared stories/headcanons, and I really found myself gravitating towards the yaoi stuff. The idea just felt nice. The stories felt compelling. I started to fantasize about them. You wouldn't believe the mental gymnastics I had to make to convince myself I was straight, but I did.
It wasn't until I made some good gay friends online that I actually put the pieces together and realized that many of the things I was going through, they were going through as well. Everything just made so much sense.
To an extent I kinda regret that it wasn't something I had the opportunity or tools to express or understand while younger. It was a long journey but at the end of the day I'm glad I made it there.
My Baraag password up until now was "FuckShitFaggotDestroyer1337"
Best gay fanfics read? In general, I feel like reading something
Hmmm, to be completely honest I've not been the most prolific fanfic reader in recent years. There's a few I remember fondly, but I've be hard pressed to find them at a moment's notice.
I'd hate to leave it at such an unsatisfying answer though, so I will offer this fanfic from a few years back that I think exemplifies what I tend to like.
Might feel a bit hard to follow if you aren't familiar with Digimon, but I enjoy the doting, tender gay longing. The pulling on heart strings. The expectation. Did I mention the gay longing?
(Maybe I just enjoy stories that make me agonize internally?)
It sadly was never fully finished, but it's still a good heartwarming read.
If that's too much cheesy fluff for you (I understand), I'll also throw in this one that's a little more silly (and lewd) in nature, with a twist ending that still gets a chuckle out of me:
Dunno if anyone would call these the BEST, but I like them.
No way it's hot from where you live, it's freezing death down here 💀
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