Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

I just want to tell you that I read your answer to the last question I asked you. and let me tell you that of all the things I could expect regarding the subject. at least, with you. was an answer... more than interesting, I find it reflective. You changed my perspective, I was expecting something more morbid but yours is so different that it surprised me. in a good way.Thank you for giving me that new perspective, I appreciate that you took the time to answer

AASFADFLKAKADJ sorry for deleting it. It ended up feeling a bit overshare-y 😭😭

I'm glad you managed to read it, though. Of course there's a bit more nuance here and there, but at least for me that's a big part of what motivates it.

Thanks for the question 💖💖

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