Anonymous · 3mo

miguel being extra overprotective of miles when hes pregnant, always going to his house after work 3 hours earlier just to check on miles. miguel carrying miles room to room and kissing him, massaging his legs even if they weren't sore 🙈

miles LOVES the attention even if he hates getting coddled and scolds miguel for leaving work early (he's very important and has a lot of people relying on him!) but miguel just can't help himself from spoiling miles though because that's the mother of his child! honestly if he had his way miles's feet would be never touching the floor from the second trimester. he wished that he could be around miles 24/7 just so he'll never have to bear the burden alone...every single craving, miguel satiates. every mood swing, miguel abates. it makes miles a little bit scared for what happens after he's given birth, when he's gonna lose this "glow" people talk about and miguel and him will inevitably be too busy with work and baby...and then miguel announces he's straight up taking a paternity leave so he can help miles get through the first few months and miles is smittened all over again. there's no shortage of love between them and their new baby, and miles isn't surprised when he starts his next pregnancy that miguel's just as enthusiastic for it as his first one ❤️

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