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Anonymous · 3mo

This is based on the comics, when Rio died and only Jeff and Miles remained. Both of them were devastated, Miles felt guilty. Actually I don't know what will happen next but I want an incest scene, Miles comforts his father for his mother's part as well 😔

Anonymous · 3mo
Anonymous · 3mo

There’s a book series called the locked tomb and there’s these 2 characters that are literally lesbian flowerfang, they’re called harrow and ianthe, they have it all the age gap (but it’s so wide it’s just 5 years) the obsessive nature of the older one, the younger barely giving a shit, their interactions borderline on noncon they’re so similar it’s crazy you should totally read if that’s your vibe

my non-proship friend has been trying to sell me this book for two years now and if they had pitched it like this i woulda picked this up asap 😔 but i will add it to my to read, anon thank you for the rec

Anonymous · 3mo

miles as a practicing gymnast and miguel as her instructor who gets to help her stretch and toss her around like a rag doll.

Anonymous · 3mo

do you run block lists?

iirc block lists don't work any more so i run a script called twitter block with love but it works on and off depending on updates. i do hand block followers who don't have age indicator (actual age, birth year, mdni, 18+, that kind of stuff) in their bio semi-regularly though unless i know them

Anonymous · 3mo

trans!girl Miles 🥰

Anonymous · 3mo

I am using a translator. So please tell me if there are any incorrections.

I wish to be like you. I like how you are able to create content and stay in your own space without getting involved in drama. Ah... Sometimes I see bad things in the Spiderverse area that make me sad and mad. I like your writing, you are really good. I hope you live forever and have a good life.

thank you for the well wishes, anon and i'm glad you enjoy my writing 🙏

it helps that i don't care for reputation or clout so i unfollow, mute, and block pretty liberally, and i have friends largely uninvolved with my interest whom i can yap to when i get exasperated

life is too short to be stressed over internet randos. i'll worry about it if it affects my livelihood 🫡

Anonymous · 3mo

do you care for ben/miles in any way?

i've liked fanworks for the ship but i personally don't have thoughts regarding it because the movie doesn't give me much of ben to work with. if you prompt me a porny scenario i might think of something but i'd have to pick up the comics for anything more

Anonymous · 3mo

Your interpretation of miguel and miles’s relationship are so similar to how I see carol and kamala’s relationship, except it’s platonic. It’s still freaky tho

Anonymous · 3mo

Miles' belly ❤️ Miles' belly ❤️ Lovely soft, flat belly ❤️ Miguel can't stop himself from filling that belly with cum. On boring days, when Miguel was done with the boy, he covered the hole and stood Miles up so the boy leaned against him, holding Miles' slightly swollen belly, patting it and listening his whimpers and groans.

Anonymous · 3mo

Honestly cant get over the whole idea of miguel wife-ing miles up so he wont go around and ""cause trouble"" hes such a freak

i love it so much since you can tie it back to the story. canon events are about characters having to play their roles! it's such a lovely bad end for miles who wants to defy restrictive narrative roles and would abhor being a wife sooo much and good end for miguel who had found fulfilment when he forced himself into a familial role...miguel has little regards for miles's feelings about the matter because what actually matters is that miguel feels in control when he keep miles contained and chained to him ❤️

Anonymous · 3mo

miles takes her weekend off to visit miguel after a long while and finds him around his office desk in nothing but a red robe, relaxed and legs spread, sipping coffee with about 4 inches added to his hair that he put into a little messy bun as well as a whole ass beard. she's never seen him like this, but she needs to go home now. (english isn't my first language so sorry if the tenses are fucked)

Anonymous · 3mo

is f!mimi/m!miggy a thing for you I'm just checking

any scenario where miles gets fucked i'm down 🫡 i have no gender preferences but i favor masc denominations more because i'm a canon enjoyer

Anonymous · 3mo

miguel being extra overprotective of miles when hes pregnant, always going to his house after work 3 hours earlier just to check on miles. miguel carrying miles room to room and kissing him, massaging his legs even if they weren't sore 🙈

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