Anonymous · 3mo

miles takes her weekend off to visit miguel after a long while and finds him around his office desk in nothing but a red robe, relaxed and legs spread, sipping coffee with about 4 inches added to his hair that he put into a little messy bun as well as a whole ass beard. she's never seen him like this, but she needs to go home now. (english isn't my first language so sorry if the tenses are fucked)

not miles finding herself down bad when miguel's hoboing it up 😭 she feels so flustered by the intimate way miguel looks that she tries to leave but of course she gets caught. it's miguel, who has been obsessively tracking her ever since she opened a portal into this dimension. he takes advantage of her moment of weakness and invites her to sit down with a hand around her shoulder, bodily guiding her back to his chair, and brings her her own mug of coffee while they catch up

he leans against his table, half sitting, and knows that his bath robe are rumpled in an unsightly manner with the way miles averts her eyes as she asks after miguel and his going-on's. miles remarks that miguel looks rather different than the last time they've met, and miguel sardonically replies that it looks bad, like he hasn't been taking care of himself, doesn't it? and miles jumps to say that he looks handsome still


if miles had the complexion for it, miguel bets her face would've been beet red from sheer embarrassment. miguel scratches his beard. if miles liked it then he would keep it and says this out loud, to which miles snidely remarks, "i never said anything about liking it"

"but you do think i'm handsome. have been handsome." he sounds unbearably smug about it and miles knows he's never gonna let this go so she tries to change the topic to anything else. she talks about the changes in her life, graduating, her move to college and meeting all these new people in the civilian part of her identity to which miguel prods after her love life

gwen hadn't worked out, and miles has never signaled she was looking for anyone new to people in her social circle, so the question comes out of left field. it's been nagging at her this whole time, the constant teasing, the way miguel doesn't even bother to make himself presentable, having no trouble showing her his skin. he's definitely not wearing a shirt and she's not sure he's wearing underwear either. sometimes the robe hikes up on his legs when he moves and miles has to keep her eyes on his face least she catches glimpse of something

"are you coming onto me?"

a flash of surprise crosses miguel's face. he puts down his mug, grabs the back of the chair miles is sitting in and cages her to her seat. "would you find it objectable if i were?"

miles's breath stops in her throat. the metaphorical gears in her brain grinds to a halt. she doesn't know the answer to that. miguel leans in closer, his free hand rests on her thigh. even in her spider suit she can feel the heat radiating from his palm. miles tries to look away from the intensity of his eyes but glancing down gives her an eyeful of that tip poking out of his robes. yeah, he's definitely not wear boxers or anything

at that point miles is just so frazzled by the proximity that when miguel's beard brushes against her skin, she whimpers out loud involuntarily. she would really like to go home now, but she's not quite sure how is she going to make it back in one piece...

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