Anonymous · 3mo

Miles' belly ❤️ Miles' belly ❤️ Lovely soft, flat belly ❤️ Miguel can't stop himself from filling that belly with cum. On boring days, when Miguel was done with the boy, he covered the hole and stood Miles up so the boy leaned against him, holding Miles' slightly swollen belly, patting it and listening his whimpers and groans.

ohhhh miles's flat tummy...miguel's pouty that his lover isn't more cuddly but that doesn't stop him from wrapping his hands around his waist and fondling his stomach, belly button, and what have you. once they start fucking and miguel can see and feel his cock rearranging miles's inside...yeah it gets to him bad

miguel's usually refrains from quickies and lovemaking throughout the week so on his off days he wants nothing more than to fill miles up. on those days, miguel wakes up first, does his morning routine, then wake miles up with a few loads in his tummy until the teen complains about needing to pee. as miles takes care of himself, miguel puts last night's dishes away and starts on breakfast. they would barely make it through their meal before miguel's horny again

by the time they're finished, he could already see a tiny bit of belly forming and distending miles's normally flat stomach. he smiles when miles has to waddle awkwardly to do one thing or another, and he stands over miles's shoulder and follows him everywhere to make sure he doesn't let any of miguel's cum leak out. when they lounge, he has one hand possessively over miles's tummy, caressing it as they watch tv. both of them get horny enough that they start fucking again. they skip lunch and miles looks so uncomfortably bloated at the end of it that he begs miguel to let him use the bathroom. miguel acquiesces, but he knows well enough that he has to personally keep miles plugged up while the teen relieves himself...

miles gets started on dinner even if he feels too bloated to eat. miguel can't keep his hands to himself this time either, seeing miles in an apron with the tiniest of belly sticking out like he's a pregnant housewife...once the food's cooking, he's got miles moaning over the counter until the timer rings

miles insists on a shower when they're done with dinner, because turns out fucking all day is quite a workout, but miguel won't have it and drags him back to their bed. miles doesn't have the strength to fight him, which is good because miguel's got work tomorrow. miles's been a good cumdump all day--he can be one for a few more hours. even though miguel can't feel himself through miles's tummy any more when he gropes, the sloshing from the amount of cum he's pumped into his lover and the squelching of his old cum as they copulate are more than enough for his pleasure

by the end of the night, miles's fully incoherent, body twitching as his muscles have completely given up on keeping miguel's cum inside. the instigator himself coos and rubs miles's swollen stomach, pressing down to watch more of his semen ooze out in satisfaction

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