Anonymous · 3mo

Your interpretation of miguel and miles’s relationship are so similar to how I see carol and kamala’s relationship, except it’s platonic. It’s still freaky tho

i don't know much about them aside for a few team up comics with kamala and her tv show 🫡 but i do see similarities because carol ← kamala can be summed up with "fangirl" (afaik) and i approach miguel → miles similarly except that miguel operates more as an obsessive anti-fan who's intimately familiar with miles's life but does not respect him. miles is symbolically important but miguel could care less about miles's own opinions

(on the flip side miles probably did look up to miguel in a fanboy manner briefly because of what's been told about him and how he's an expert in an area miles hopes to succeed in but any interest in miguel as a person has probably been dashed lol)

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