Anonymous · 3mo

miles as a practicing gymnast and miguel as her instructor who gets to help her stretch and toss her around like a rag doll.

this is barely recognisable as the original prompt except for instructor(?) miguel and gymnast(??) miles 😭 sprinkled two spider-(wo)men and identity porn in here as well...

  • peter parker, 26, has passed and two spiders, miguel and miles, step up to his legacy entirely independent of each other and the way the both obtain their powers parallel their comic counterparts (miguel, genetic experiment; miles, oscorp's spider). they put on the mask around the same time but miguel came to public attention earlier than miles
  • miles witnessed peter's death like the movie and is supported by may and ganke behind the scene while her parents and uncle are still in the dark. miguel left alchemax due guilt from its association to parker's death. he works odd jobs now and no one knows his alter ego besides his AI assistant, LYLA
  • miguel is known as the second spider-man and is considered the stronger of the two, but he's also fiercer and darker, which...doesn't win him a lot of support among the general public when he's also implicit in some mysterious deaths
  • miles is dubbed spider-woman, or, more derogatorily, spider-girl at the beginning of her career. she's the public sweetheart as she tends to handle accidents and disasters more. of the two, she's considered to be the genuine successor to peter parker's legacy compared to the current spider-man but she does need to get...better
  • the two spiders have never publicly worked together as they patrol different boroughs at different times, but they have crossed paths and exchanged very little words (no thanks to miguel's insistence on being as intimidating and quiet as possible. he tried the quipping thing twice at the beginning of his career. it did not work out)
  • miguel is one of the rotating staff of assistant instructors for a gymnastics club. he handles the recreational classes, largely younger kids, by developing their technical skills and going through drills while the coaches guide the competitive team. he landed the gig due to its proximity to his flat and as a way to get himself more comfortable with...people. around all these blundering kids, there's no shortage of opportunities to hone his "people saving" skills
  • gymnastics was one of the many interests miles cycled through as a kid. she's returning to it in midst of attending vision because she believes it might help her form and become a more effective spider-woman. she chooses the club miguel works at because it's a fair distance from her neighborhood, knowing from experience that a teenager at a beginners' class will stand out

...and all of this to say:

miles does stand out amongst a bunch of children looking up at her curiously. she's the only teenager of this evening's class, and while there's no shame in it, there's a smattering of parents watching like hawks from the lobby

miguel, unfortunately, is the one assigned to assess her skill level since he has the build to better handle her weight than the other instructors. it's his first time teaching a teenager since they're usually off in the advanced classes, and fuck, he's already dreading the social interaction. some of them are mean as hell. miles looks friendly enough, but a pretty face can hide plenty of menace

he's courteous as he could when he instructs her the stretches to test her flexibility, guiding her to the correct form with a hand on her back or over her arms. miguel tries not to think about how intimate the warmth underneath his palms feel but miles is a good sport about being touched, only complaining when she seem to have reached her limit. there's a great degree of flexibility, he realises, and power and balance beneath her unrefined form. he can feel it in the tautness of her muscles. she might not have the grace of a practiced gymnast, but there is so much raw potential that he can't help but to prod her if she did something like parkour before this. she tenses and gives a noncommittal reply

next are the skills, and miguel's suspicions are more or less confirmed when she breezes through the basics easily. her balance is excellent in most cases, and there's plenty of strength in her core. but her's awful. she wasn't kidding when she told him she hadn't practiced since she was in kindergarten. he has to constantly correct her to prevent some form of injury. it's more of a miracle how she's able to do all of these things in the first place. sheer strength and determination, maybe? regardless, he has to put his hands on her more than he's ever comfortable with. she usually laughs it off with a joke or another but he could tell she's embarrassed too

and just like that, their hour is up. the children run to their parents but miles lingers a little more before awkwardly filing out by herself. miguel stays behind to clear the equipment for the other clubs and teams using the same gym. he's out in fifteen, making his way back to his flat before he comes across a familiar figure at a bus stop, standing all alone in the dark. it's miles. her parents didn't pick her up? he calls out to her and jogs across the street with a scolding on his tongue. he's half way looking up her parents' contact from the database on his phone before she puts her hand over his screen and yells that they don't know!

she looks embarrassed at the admission before continuing that she's supposed to be in school. at brooklyn visions (that's a long way off; she would've went with the subway if the nearby station wasn't closed). she snuck out to attend this gymnastics class so please don't say anything to her parents or kick her out of the class or--

miles is looking up at him with her best puppy eyes and miguel knows he's gonna regret this but acquiesces. but he's also gonna wait here until the bus picks her up so he'll know she's getting back safe or else he wouldn't feel like a proper adult. she lights up and wraps her arms around him in a tight hug, squeaking out multiple thank you's in quick succession. miguel could barely keep the flush off his face. this girl is too comfortable around strangers

as they wait, they exchange some convo. miles is naturally curious, excitedly asking about his job (it's fine) and what he plans for the evening (cooking dinner, a lie--he's patrolling and getting greasy takeout). miguel breathes easier once she gets on the bus, and they part on good terms

...and miguel couldn't help the nagging feeling in his head, and once he gets the privacy to don his suit, he swings over to brooklyn visions. he catches up to the bus in no time, and sighs in relief when miles exits. she scales the walls and avoids the night security with ease

so that's how she's got all that strength...

(this is not stalker behavior. he's just a worried, responsible adult)


spider-woman has a lot less flailing limbs this week. she's getting to places faster, more efficiently, as long she remembers what she's been taught. miles soaks in the praise from social media and vows to make it to gymnastic classes next week.


miles only attends one session per week, on thursdays, so miguel tries not to miss that evening out of all the days. it's nice working with miles, and once she's got into the groove, she spots for the younger kids between turns for space and equipments. miguel still has to correct her frequently with a sturdy palm on her back, since she never had the instincts hammered into her as a kid, but she's coming along quite nicely. in their regular assessment, she blew past the first three levels and is ready to compete, but she abstained due to time, money, and other commitments, much to his senior coach's dismay

miles sticks around after class to help him pack up the equipments for the rec class, and he would walk her to the metro now that the station has opened up again. sometimes they get street food along the way, miguel insists on paying for them both as the adult but she's never accepted, and chatter between bites. miguel learns that they both have latino mothers--surprising when her last name's morales--and been more or less forced into their academic circumstances. he talks about his past work without going into too much details, and miles jokingly asks for his number to help with her biology homework

miguel gives her it, and can't miss the way her eyes light up. his mouth feels dry

he's never followed her back since that first class. miguel knows that he's more attentive to this teenage girl than he should be, but he doesn't want to pinpoint the reason why. maybe he should just offer her a ride home to ease his nerves but would that be crossing another line...?

at any rate, maybe it's fine if he doesn't offer because spider-woman started lurking his hunting ground

miguel used to not mind her much, but ever since she suddenly "levelled up her game", she's dominated online discussions according to LYLA. videos of her gliding through the skies, stomping villains down with precision and poise...fine, he's a bit irked. he doesn't miss spider-girl of the past, but he can't help his competitive streak when he's being showed up on his own turf

miguel is civil because he's a professional, but that doesn't mean he has to keep it lidded when spider-woman's unceremoniously thrown at him by the scorpion. they take the villain down without further incident, but he chews her out because this is his fight that she intervened on. of course, she bites back with those quick and witty spider-quips

somewhere along the way, this becomes their dynamic. back and forth jabs whenever they meet. miguel watching her back and she, his. spider-woman is definitely younger than him, but it's comforting to have an ally on the field. they're more touchy than miguel's comfortable with, but miguel knows he's indulging it. their banters, her cheekiness, their lingering touches. he knows she's flirting with him because it annoys him but he lets it happen since...he can't ever be like this with miles

the thought of miles brings up an image of her youthful face, a bright smile aimed up at miguel, as if he's the sun

yet here he is, idly staring spider-woman's ass because it's more socially acceptable to oogle her than the 15 year old

he's such a piece of shit


miles ends up taking two weeks off from classes for exams, and god miguel misses her. but she promised to come thrice per week during her winter break and miguel makes all the arrangement to be there in the time slots she signed up for

they text each other, of course, but mostly about miles's classwork than anything else, but seeing miles again...miguel can agree with the phrase that absence makes the heart grow fonder because the burst of joy he experiences from having miles greet him with a flying hug is unlike any other.

but what he doesn't anticipate is his eyes lingering on her. at first, he convinces himself that he's just checking to make sure she's there but when his sight drifts down...well, looking isn't a crime. except something's nagging at him. she's wearing black and red compression shorts instead of her regular grey ones and there's something at the tip of his tongue that he can't place.

she stretches.


miguel thinks he might be going crazy. he hasn't had any sexual intimacy in so long he's actually going insane. and god strike him down if he's wrong, but that's spider-woman's ass


miguel's in denial for a full 24 hour before he asks LYLA to plot out all the days spider-woman's sighted on his turf

there are some weekdays here and there but they coincide with major incidents and villain appearances. most of her random patrols congregate on thursday nights



following spider-woman is no easy feat when she has a spider-sense and can "camouflage", but since miguel knows who she is, it's a matter of planting the right cameras until he catches spider-woman climbing into miles morales's dorm room at visions

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


miguel knows his grip is harder on miles as he pushes her down for her stretches, but he's so irritated from the revelation that he couldn't help it. she's been flirting with him, spider-man, for months. an older man. been tugging his dick along all this time when she's 15. god, what was miles doing? doesn't she have a good family? why is she out on the streets in the first place?

he only snaps out of his mulling when miles whimpers, her muscles stretched for too long and pushed too far, and he lets her go full of guilt. maybe hiding behind the mask makes her bolder, because right now she's still his sweet miles. she just needs...some correction. a heavy hand to guide her to the right path. he can do this


miguel ends up avoiding spider-woman. she's here three evenings out of the week--on the exact days miles is in for her classes. he can only do so much before miles chases him down and webs him up until she could catch up to him

why is he avoiding her? is it something she did? come on, spider-man, talk to her--

and, as he predicted, he blows up at her. he tells that he knows she's in high school, that she goes to brooklyn visions. how? because he's followed her (she interjects that it's a complete invasion of privacy?? how would he like if she followed him??) seriously, why is she teasing strange older men like him? it's irresponsible, against everything peter parker had left in his legacy. what's wrong with her?

miguel could tell by her stance that she's trembling, and that she's on the verge of crying from being confronted like this, by her sole ally on the field. and the dam bursts, all of her emotions flooding to the forefront

it's not like she wanted to flirt with him! he's so rude and grouchy and weird! (ouch) but she thought it'd help him relax if they could treat each other somewhat like equals! actually she would rather flirt with another guy but she can't because--

miles stops herself before she could spill the beans but with their tempers flaring, miguel couldn't help the stab of jealousy twisting its knife in his heart because who? who would she rather turn her attention to if not him? he's gonna kill him

before miles could take two steps back, miguel's got her pinned to the rooftop floor, claws digging into the concrete

she squeezes her eyes close and whimpers. her gymnastics teacher. he's strict but he's kind to her and wants her to do her best. he makes her feel protected even when she's spider-woman and should be protecting everyone else. and most importantly he doesn't know. it's her crush. he hasn't done anything wrong please don't be mad at him, spider-man

miguel swears his heart stopped in his chest. he tells her, calmly, that he's going to take her mask off. she's still trembling with fear, unable to answer yes or no. he pulls it off. he could see the tear tracks down her cheeks, the puffing of her eyes, and her little, shaken sniffing. she's beautiful and miguel's tired of denying it

she's squeezing her eyes shut, refusing to look at him but he takes his mask off too and gently coaxes her to open her eyes. please, miles.

this is the first time spider-man has said her real name and she blinks through her tears, finding herself staring at the familiar, worn face above her



before she could utter a single word, he swoops down and captures her lips in a desperate kiss. she freezes in shock, but when he doesn't pull away, she melts into the kiss with his body heat wholly engulfing her

they can ponder the ramifications later but for now? god, finally

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