Anonymous · 3mo

This is based on the comics, when Rio died and only Jeff and Miles remained. Both of them were devastated, Miles felt guilty. Actually I don't know what will happen next but I want an incest scene, Miles comforts his father for his mother's part as well 😔

iirc rio died and told miles to never tell his father about spidey which led to miles quitting it for years(?) and im feeling some kinda way about it...really love the idea that without spider-man between them jeff and miles can properly mourn together. miles still thinks it's his fault but instead of pushing his dad away, they're closer than ever in their grief...perhaps too close as their touches intensify. miles, surprisingly, is the one who makes the first move by kissing his father near his mouth. jeff tries to reject it at first but he's weak to the little bits of rio he finds in miles's face as well as the eagerness and love from his own's something that ramps up which each night they spend without rio's presence. miles thinks this is penance for his mother's death, while jeff feels both guilt and tries to convince himself that it is the rio he sees in miles that makes him do this

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