wren · 10 answers · 26d

qotd what's your big 5 + rising signs (sun, moon, mercury, Venus, mars), if u don't know u can use https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php, you need to know your time of birth + location btw

aries sun, capricorn moon, pisces mars, pisces mercury, taurus venus and im RCUEI

Sun Leo, Moon Sagittarius, Mercury Leo, Venus Cancer, Mars Gemini. I was born at four in the fucking morning

sun libra moon mercury scorpio venus virgo and mars cancer... i never knew whatthese meant until now ngl

sun sagittarius , moon pisces , scorpio rising , mercury sagittarius , venus capricorn , mars sagittarius

imm a Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, Taurus rising, Capricorn mercury, Scorpio venus, && Cancer mars

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