mirabell yui

wanna live in Gravity Falls universe

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tunAa! 😼 · 6 answers · 12mo


tunAa! 😼 · 19 answers · 1y

You're enough just as you are, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Embrace the things that make you unique. I'm so proud of you for doing your best, I don't know what are you going trough but you're going to get through it, keep going!!

Vié · 15 answers · 1y

HAIIII! This is the first time I greet you by asking how you are doing. how are you guys? everything is fine??

hi viee! everything went well these day, i through a lot of boring day and babysitting my cousins but now i’m home and back to my usual (boring) day

MoYe · 10 answers · 1y

Kamu suka malu gak sih kalau ngobrol sama orang baru apa stranger gitu? Apa pengen ngompol tiba tiba?

wkwkwk GAK SAMPE NGOMPOL… tapi iya agak malu but it’s finee kalau udah di tengah pembicaraan

MoYe · 7 answers · 1y

Guys buku apa yang paling nggak harus dibaca once in lifetime alias aku perlu bacaan [galau]

tunAa! 😼 · 16 answers · 1y

Cara ngilangin loyo gimana sih

engga tau juga jujur, biasanya aku kalau loyo itu dinikmatin aja sampai eneg. karna yang tau berhentinya kapan tuh diri sendiri. ntar kalau udah eneg coba denger lagu atau cari kegiatan atau tidur

julien · 7 answers · 1y

hi siapa yg paling km sayang di dunia ini kek syg kali anjim aku sm kau KEKKK AAAAH gila aku syg bgt sm km gt

pecel · 1y


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