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River Malthe. · 4 answers · 6mo

What’s the funniest thing that happened to you recently?

  1. Toto mencemplungkan diri ke selokan jadi harus mandiin dia lagi padahal 2 minggu lalu baru mandi
  2. Baru tau kalau IJBOL itu singkatannya I Just Burst Out Laughing (karena angkatan LOL ROTFL)
  3. Tiba-tiba jadi banyak omong pas baru kenal orang di toko tanaman

A lot of weird things have been happening recently, and it's the funniest experience of my life.

HA. Since you asked this, I remember today I was mistakenly sees stranger as someone I know and I was like: “Eh mas maaf.. Kirain temen aku. Maaf ya mas..” very awkwardly!! Sudah saatnya aku operasi plastik saking malunya.

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