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Cowards · 8mo

if i ask that question because i want to be loved by you... mhm, can i say that i'm attracted to you, kakak?

i've seen your replies several times on menfess seeking a partner to share affection. even though i'm not the sender, i feel like i want to propose myself to be the one with you.

Of course, honestly I feel both honored and flattered with your directness and honesty. Is that so? Well lately I'm feeling like I'm ready to try to get to know new people, that's why I try seeking some opportunities to do so (by replying to some menfess most of the time).

I hope my seriousness didn't drive you away, but may I ask how old are you? Since I prefer to share the affection with someone at least 23+ so if you don't mind could you tell me? You can reply in my dm if you want, or here, wherever you feel most comfortable with.

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