Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

nony •⩊• · 2mo

Mk and hc both have said the reason y mk doesn’t show too much affection to hc is because hc takes it and becomes annoying with it lol. Time and again hc has admitted he does things because mk does not like it. That’s just their tom-jerry equation.

actually i have a hot take on this. i know haech has said verbatim "i don't like ppl who chase after me" and obviously that would mean mk HOWEVER i think "tom and jerry" concepts and "love-hate" etc. between kpop couples are mostly for show and entertainment/variety show purposes. even though it's a great narrative, it goes back to my headcanon that they actually get along really well and are closer than we think offstage, because a tom-jerry/love-hate relationship like this isn't as feasible irl. i mean of course it's cute and it can work but it's not as realistic, i think. furthermore, we have evidence because in those more private interviews / moments they're always like "rather than love hate we're more like an old married couple", which i think speaks for itself :)

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