Wasserpistole · 3 answers · 4y

Why can we as humans not handle power? It pretty much always corrupts us. Why is that, what do you think?

It's a good question. I think it's interesting that with our intelligence comes some degree of moral selfishness. Animals, for instance, can't be corrupted. They're pure in their simplicity. Humans' intellect is ultimately self-serving, and too much power will make just about anyone cave.

Just a sidebar bc I'm a philosophy minor and like to geek out: The Lord of the Rings is actually based on Plato's Myth of Gyges, which argues that if anyone had a magic ring that could make them invisible, whether or not that person were just or unjust, they'd always act selfishly since there's next to no threat of being caught or punished. It's facts tbh.

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