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Lorem ipsum · 9mo

Thoughts on Minory Asagiri from Mobert Psychokinesis 100?

Amazing question: i like her. Both the concept of her and her as a flawed and interesting person. She was a girl who probably had a lot of things going for her well considering her status as a part of a wealthy family mixed with confidence that helped her become popular in any surrounding she would find herself in. Even though she is a classic "mean-girl" character, she has this air of disinterest in things surrounding her which also shows that whe is very much aware of the shallowness of it all, while still playing her part. What i found interesting is whenever she wasnt playing her part in a satisfying manner that mogami wanted her to, he pushed her into a more cruel version that aligns with his views which leads me to believe that she probably dealt with her own share of mental torture in the alternative reality. Which i'm sad we didnt get in the anime bc people just settle down "well she admited that she was like that in real life as well" while calling her a bitch, because they didnt read the manga (and kinda didnt pay attention to her character but shh) because it is VERY obvious that she, when mob told her to leave him alone, felt shame and fear and agreed to it but mogami wanted blood so he made her attack mob multiple times aka she had her flaws amped up and used against her by the villain, shocker. And man, her owning up to all the things she did in the mogamiland, and implied similar in the real world, is done very nicely - her trying to shove it all off shows that she is trying to keep her non-chalant emotionally distant persona up even though it lasts for mere moments. Also i do find it interesthing that her character growth leads her to trying to help mob financially from the background shhsvsb i mean wouldnt you want to be of help to someone who saved your life and told you that your mistakes dont define you even after everything? Unfortunately for her is that she was, at the end of the day, just a plot device character, but her personality is still layered. She is still just a girl in a big world, she is probably a lil weird in her private life, she doesnt truly care for the things she has but she still seeks them, she likes herself a lil power (as she is already born into it). People usually foget that characters can be liked even if in real life they wouldnt be the best people. My biggest problem is that she is there for such a short period though 😭 but it makes sense, she leads her own life and probably still feels guilt over things. Also love her hair bc purple rules 🫡

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