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Anonymous Coward · 3mo

can i borrow a kiss? promise i'll give it back

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

jaki sayang aya ga

Yah, pake ditanya lagi 😞 Sayang banget lagi. Kalo ditanya seberapa besar Jaki sayang Aya, coba deh inget kata-kata tukang galon

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

jaki knp banyak yg suka sich

Yang suka Jaki: Aya, Ayana, Lala, Kinci, Pempek khas Bekasi, Kak Gem, Basuki Tjahja Asia, Surentot, Cukurukuk, Pok Jeru, Aa, Ii, Uu, Ee, Oo, Mamak, Mimik, Mumuk, Mem, Mo

blurrr_ed · 5mo

Hi Jaki! Soon to be basic closed agency is coming to town. Could you please help us to retweet this? Thank you! https://x.com/blurrr_ed/status/1766476992474677371

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

i was confused about where to run, tell about the story and i stopped by here, i'm here. thanks for the place. may Friday is yours.
one day one song for Hawk.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

huwaaa! have a wonderful Thursday.
one day one song for Hawk.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

its been a week! i still feel so shy and get strange smiles out of nowhere or maybe we call it "salting" lol. 😂
one day one song for Hawk.

Time flies so fast, right? Love your choice of song, tho. I've been a casual listener of New Jeans since their debut.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

I get enough rest, I also always have a lot of energy every day (that's my advantage).😂
one day one song for Hawk. may this Tuesday be yours. <3

Glad to hear that from you. I wish I had that much energy to face every day. May you continue to receive a lot of positive energy and happiness every day because you deserve it!

LO · 10mo

mau juga surat cinta buat marlo

(P)ernahkah kau rasakan, pesona senyummu?
(E)ntah bagaimana, hatiku membelah langit biru
(P)ergi jauh, aku tak pernah bisa melupakan
(E)ngkau, bintang yang menyinari malam hatiku
(G)airah cinta kita, takkan pernah pudar

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

one day one song for Hawk.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

finally today is Sunday, thank you for getting through this week, even though i don't know how your day was, i thank you for going through it. you survived very well! xx.
one day one song for Hawk.

Maaf banget kalo telat balesnya ya, luckily Sunday went pretty well. Gimana hari Minggunya kemaren nder, did you get enough rest yesterday so you can face Monday with some spirit?

Searra · 10mo

gantian, though on varsha!!!!!

Baik dikit, seru kalo diajak ngobrol ga garing, selera musik bagus soalnya selera musik kita sama. Stop gamon dan stop panggil gua babi anjay

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Tulis surat cinta buat bruce 🙈🥀

(K)etulusan dalam hati, kau adalah sinar mentari
(O)h, senyumanmu mampu menerangi hari-hariku
(N)ikmati setiap momen, kita bersama dalam cerita
(T)akdir membawamu padaku, cinta sejati yang kusyukuri
(O)mbak kasih kita, terus mengalir dengan indah
(L)upakan duka, kita bersama, selamanya dalam bahagia

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