strainséir · 11d

kak moi, maaf super random.. but do you perhaps have any advice on how to start loving someone again after a breakup? it's been 2 years since I broke up with my ex and I feel like I can't love anyone ever again. I've tried but I felt nothing, there's no spark or anything.. I just feel nothing :(

the thing is, healing your wound doesnt directly go linear with time. after a breakup, many things could happen, and definitely it's your being matters the most. idk if this fits you or not, tp biasanya hal yg muncul kalo kita abis putus terus mau deket sama orang baru kehalangnya pasti karena kita capek doing the process again atau karena kita bandingin si orang baru ini sama mantan. and if it happens, we should know what good/bad traits that your ex have so in the meantime, you will know what you want dan gak buang waktu sama yg tidak sesuai kriteria.

kalo sesuatu yg menghalangi kamu asalnya dari diri sendiri (you feel you're not worthed or you feel you wont belong or you wonder if you're gonna be happy like the last time) i think it's a cue to go to professional. because it matters a lot. everything about you are matter.

hope it could ease your mind a little! (sending hugs and loves to you)

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