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anononononon · 4mo

What I absolutely despise about Neji's death isn't just how ridiculous it was (it was a tree branch you've literally been through worse) but the fact that he dies by (partially) protecting Hinata (since he was protecting Naruto, but she jumped in front of him and thus simultaneously protected her). The most defining aspect of his character is being bitter that he has to serve and die for the main branch of his family and that pre-determined destiny can't be defied. Of all ways he could have died why did it have to be by SERVING THE MAIN BRANCH. THE THING HE HATED? I guess it could've been something impactful given the idea of Hinata and Neji's relationship having had more to it then just 'not on good terms before but now they work together' or whatever but it made me sooooooo upset back then. Still does

No I agree. I just wish the development of Neji and Hinata’s relationship wasn’t completely off screen ik it all probably happened while Naruto was gone before Shippuden kicked off idk. I feel like that entire storyline was shelved / resolved with one line when it was really interesting in part one. Even beyond Neji and Naruto’s fight it was clear that the clan had a lot to work through but I guess Kishimoto thought it was done 💀

I said this before when I watched it live and I still feel like he should have had Hinata’s father take the blow as a way to truly show the branch family / main family oppressive dynamic was no more. That they’re all equals and to tie back to his brothers sacrificial death by dying for his son. Instead he just stood there looking stupid. I felt nothing but annoyance when I saw it and I still feel nothing when I think about it. The entire arc annoys me except for the end

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