Junnie✨ · 14d

Hi hi morning :)
What's your favorite trope to write? and your the one your enjoy the most as a reader?
tmi... growing up one of my favorites was "there's only one bed" and even tho I enjoy reading this trope I used to think that could never happen irl specially when the main characters go to sleep on their side of the bed but wake up hugging each other... this was until i had a collage trip and there was in fact only one bed for two people 😭😭😭 so we had to share it and slept as separate as possible while sharing a bed...i was shocked when i woke up to my classmate hugging me 😭😭😭 and i was like....ooh so it's true hahahahaha
Soo last question hehe what trope you love but think could never happen in real life? 👀👀👀

Hi hiiiiiii~

My favorite trope (both as a reader and writer) is rivals to lovers!!!! my favorite ships in childhood were rivals to lovers. I like that there’s such a broad spectrum of interpretations for the dynamic… you can have everything from a playful rivalry where the characters are best friends to a bitter angry tragic rivalry that creates a lot of friction between them. I love when there’s tension between the characters that isn’t suffocating—instead, it pushes them towards growth. The rivalry ends up reflecting their relationship’s development over time.

I also really love the kind of hurt/comfort that involves little acts of caring for each other, like hair washing/bathing… it’s about the vulnerability!!!! The intimacy!!!! And finally, a non-romance trope that I love but think can be hit or miss is time travel! A lot of my favorite stories have time travel :) it’s fun to write, but only works in very specific circumstances

😭😭😭😭 I was doubtful of “only one bed” too, but…. Now I know someone who has lived it!!! Having to share a bed isn’t super uncommon, but waking up hugging each other… 😳😳 your classmate must have been a very active sleeper

As for tropes I find difficult to imagine irl…. one that comes to mind is accidental child acquisition 😅 because kids hopefully aren’t being left unattended! What circumstances would allow people to care for a baby for an extended period of time? It’s not an accident if they work with children…. In a fantasy fic, I suppose you could accidentally produce a child, but that magic does not exist in our world hahahahaha

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