Sol! · 7d

Hey! Thank you again for your comment :)
You mentioned contact pictures for kakaotalk... I couldn't find the original tutorial where they had both the sender and receiver had icons, but the one that I used most recently was this one (, and it's very similar. I was very close to getting rid of the icon, funnily enough, since I couldn't get the sending/receiving message times to 'agree' with the formatting... in the end, I ended up cutting Taehyun's sending times in the first bit to make it look a little neater haha.
Fun fact... a good portion of these snapshots are real! The leaky bin and opening with zero instruction thing is a rite of passage for most hospitality jobs, but the monk conversation, and friends coming to visit the good-looking coworker definitely happened! I always say I need to leave this job since the customers can be petrifying to deal with, but cutting all of these small moments up and writing it down really helped me see the good in it.

Once again, thank you!!! You da best ahahaha

Ohh, I think that was the tutorial I used for 23yov! Your issues sound very familiar, so that was why I ended up modifying it/merging it with the iOS template… but I want to give it another shot, for a more authentic kkt look!

Hahaha, I could tell those were based on personal experience… and I love that! It’s cool to see little pieces of the author slip into fics. When I worked in greenhouses, we’d get some nasty leaking pots and garbage… the overwatered soil mixed with decomposing plants was not pretty. It reminded me of those days 🙃 I think what’s funny is that we’ve definitely talked about how a café setting isn’t actually romantic, but I still say… you did make even those ugly moments feel bright! Of course it’s much different to read about angry customers than to actually interact with them, but you also showed the silver lining

Thank you again for the precious gift 💕

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