Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Shadow · 7mo

will this be a "sign-up and participate" process or will our samples be examined and screened? (basically is there a chance we'll be rejected from taking part)

Hello Anon,

samples/portfolios will be examined and rated by the mods, so there is a chance that you could be rejected.

However, given that we're a digital, for-fun zine and not limited by any page count or production cost, we will take a much more lax approach to the rating process than is usual. The plan, as of now is to rate purely "Yes" or "No" (possibly a "Maybe" for potential Pinch-Hitters) and accept everyone who gets a "Yes", with no further ranking and no or a high cap on the number of contributors we'll accept.
(This depends a little on the position you apply for and the number of final applications. There will be no cap for page artists at all and we will accept as many writers as possible, but as we want to keep content balanced, there might be a cap on writers in relativity to artists; likely is a 3:1 ratio of artists to writers, where a 4:1 or 5:1 is common for print zines. Similarly spot artists will depend on the number of writers and merch artists on the predicted total volume of the zine.)

But our overall goal is to accept as many of the people, who we believe can create a zine illustration/fic based on their samples/portfolio, as we can <3

Hope that answers your question and we look forward to seeing your application ^-^

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