Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Iliades · 1y

What's your opinion on Kazuma losing a lot at the start of G Next? Personally I think it makes it more interesting then I expected.

bushiroad i demand justice for kazuma imeanwhat

okay fr though i thought his development in early next was done pretty well since 1. it's pretty rare to see characters struggling and misplaying in the show and i mean he's a new (returning?) player so it makes sense that he would be misplaying hlsdkfjhdsflkjf and 2. it's also a big part of his characterization imo. a lot of his character (without getting into spoiler territory) kinda revolves around failure (in both literal and abstract ways) so if he keeps winning we won't be able to see how he reacts to failure and how he develops as a result of that

that being said i'm still salty. bushiroad please let kazuma win more

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