⠀ ꒰ ♡︎ puddin · 11 answers · 18d

꒰ 🫧 question of the day time: if you were a idol group manager and your group had lore what would it be ? (Sorry if this question doesn’t make sense English isn’t really my first languange T^T)

Shakes. I have a few ideas.

  • Zodiac signs. I don't know, I think it'd be fun. Do I know exactly what that would entail? No.
  • Tarot cards...... Hm.
  • Kind of sci-fi futuristic type things. Can I make them have weapons. Yay to killing things.
  • Tired students or something.
  • Virtual.. cybernetic... robot??
  • I had an idea but I forgot it, just know I had one more.

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