Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 28 answers · 1mo

QOTD — What is the best gift someone could give you?
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tapioca fyodor plushies... like the bunny suit one & the small pink one.. otherwise my wishlist urls & like any j-fashion clothes but shirololita & old school lolita is most preferred or just girly kei clothes

Money ❤️ ...and maybe their time.. I enjoy the free will of buying what I want instead of others buying it for me or buying what they think I want, makes me feel independent. Though if someone had to get me an actual possession aside from money,, I would appreciate merch of my interests.

money or like ,,,, a hug. sounds super corny but :3. but ueah if money I can buy what I want instead of them having to guess yk 😭😭😭

hmm honetsly !! the best gifts must be a brand new pc and a nitro + steam gift card !! my dream is to enjoy them <33

I appreciate any gifts given to me... but I really admire handmade gifts. I think it is a great example of something coming from one's heart. ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ It holds a lot more meaning to me than anything else.

Any merch of something I like or some interesting literature that I can learn some new words from!
If not a physical object, then just their time is simply enough.

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