Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 26 answers · 1mo

QOTD — What's your favourite & least favourite weather?
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favourite weather is cool breezy wind but not too strong but not like light either, least favourite is sunny summer weather. insects & the sun are my opps

favourite is probably like ,, sunny but cloudy ykwim ,,, when its not too hot but its bright ^_^ least fav is either when it’s super hot nd humid (cannot breathe) or when its really rainy ,, probably hate heat more though

fav: autumn typa weather. not cold not hot and no bugs. least favorite? fucking summer

I love love love stormy weather! It's the perfect weather for curling up with a good book and a hot cup of tea :]

My least favorite type of weather is when it is hot. Even if it is good weather for going to the beach, the heat just puts me in a grumpy mood!

I LOOOOVE RAINY DAYS only if i have nothing to do that day and just stay home. thenbits the weather i HATE but i do love a little sunny weather... especially ones where u dont need a jacket to go outside and its like 10-13C i love those days

my fav weather is colddd weather .. i love freezing temperatures. my least fav is hot weather 😒 sweaty and the sun blaring on ur skin is vry annoying

favorite - windy, sunshower, snowy, cool; any of these
least favorite - hot, humid

Sunny weather is my favorite, and I’ve grown to like winter! but I heavily dislike terrible weather that includes thunderstorms and tornadoes if that even counts

For us it has to be sunny.. We usually faint under the hot sun, plus it doesn't help that our country is extremely hot... –🚬

fave is sunny but a nice breeze... least favorite is summer cuz it's hot + i am dehydrated always + hypotension oh god falls over

my favorite is rain or when there's a gentle breeze and it's not too hot or cold
least favorite is hot weather

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