Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 32 answers · 1mo

QOTD — What aesthetic(s) do you associate yourself with? Bonus: What aesthetic(s) do you associate with your partner or bff?
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uhh more of fashions but cult party kei, girly kei, most substyles of lolita, himekaji, & himegyaru
with aesthetics i'd just say morute since nothing else comes to mind, also my username :3

I Associate Myself With 𝖫𝗈𝗅𝗂𝗍a, Coquette, And Any Softer Aesthetics !
As For My Partners, My Wife Aesthetic Reminds Me Of Puppycore / Hippie !
For My Husband Colorful / Clowncore !
For My Bf Emo / Scene !

I'm pretty sure that my aesthetics are now Dark Academia and Y2K but I wish to dress Scene or/and Goth in the future ^_^

im not reaally sure tbh ,,, I get scared associating myself with alt subcultures but also i cannot pretend im not emo 😭🙏🙏

My personal "aesthetics" are (Dark) Girly Kei⸝ Mori Kei⸝ Cult Party KeiDelicate Sweet⸝ Mizuiro⸝ Yume Kawaii⸝ and Morute ... I am a big fan of dressing how I wish others to feel in my "presence"⸝ to realize I am an angel sent down to be ... their ... "Friend"!

I associate my dear Knight Adam with Rock Gyaruo⸝ Osare Kei⸝ and Grunge aesthetics. He's the 'Class' to my 'Sick'!

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