Find Mutuals & Spread Love ♡ · 26 answers · 14d

QOTD — What's your ideal type? What about an unideal type? (Doesn't have to be romantic — can be platonic!)
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i never really went after a certain type. but i am more attracted to taller men and not toxic no red flags would be a plus!! i tend to draw in a lot of narcissistic creeps

ideal type: someone who likes to read, androgynous, can open jars
unideal type: someone who suffers from frequent gamer rage

My ideal type… I really like pretty and kind girls and I guess I just want someone to treat me well and love me for who I am and I guess I don’t like rude or ignorant people

It's too hard to say what my ideal type is, it's not really a type, it's a "you know it when you see it" situation. My ideal type probably isn't even a type at all but rather completely unique, and there's any number of unique people who could possibly fit the bill (though I think they're rare).
My unideal type is cute/sexy and likes me enough to tolerate me. =)

ideal type ymm .,.,, i dont knoq if i have one tbh if someone pays enough attention to me i go 🤑🤑🤑

romantic and platonic: someone who is ok with me being aroace-spec, likes to talk a lot, and is ok with physical affection (hand holding, hugging etc)

Ideal type: reliable. I value my independence, but it's good to have someone to fall back on, anyway. Second, someone who can love my flaws.

Unideal: .... Disloyal? Undevoted?? Basic, I know. I can learn how to love anyone honestly. Dishonesty is a big one. Platonic, romantic, transactional as long as you're upfront with what you want.

my ideal type is someone who is kind and listens to me and cares about my interests, my feelings, and what i have to say... which is what my boyfriend is like, i'm so lucky to have him...

as for my unideal type, it would be anyone who's the opposite of that... someone who doesn't listen to me or care about what i have to say, perhaps even cruel... i want to avoid people like that for any kind of relationship

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