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Anon X) · 10mo

Interesting question! If the prisoners were genderbent, would you think their crimes would be tackled differently? Especially “Male Yuno” & “Female Kazui”?

I think Kazui's case could be tackled more easily, since I'm sure being both gay and lesbian probably both have a very hard time with being accepted in society (of course there are intricacies that are specific to both, but you get what I mean)
But Yuno's would honestly be a really interesting case to see. I think Yuno being a woman is incredibly important to her case, because unlike Kazui, there are a lot of differences that men and woman face in something like sex work. I think there is more to explore about Yuno with her being a woman, but if she was a man, I think I'd definitely still find her case interesting to explore. I don't think I've ever seen representation of men that do sex work in any media. Of course, they'd definitely have to flip a lot of what happens with her crime if she was a man. I think it would be an interesting way to explore parasocial-ness in something like that area of work instead of abortion (since...she'd be a man). Like perhaps he would have a stalker or some sort of obsessiveness, but Yuno began to embrace it because it would make him feel "warm" so he would use the person, but it eventually got out of hand, so he distanced himself from the person and they may end up ending their life because of the distance.
Just an idea; im sure there's issues with that but I wanted to keep Yuno's "coldness" while changing her crime for the situation

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