Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon X) · 9mo

In milgrams preview video (, there are a few short frames which show yuno, fuuta, mahiru, kazui and kotoko with their mouths covered/sealed, with the exception of fuuta. Do you perhaps have any idea why he could be the only exception, and instead of his mouth its his eyes that are covered up?

I remember there used to be a small theory for this (although I have my doubts about it in general) that the characters that showed up are the ones the milgram team think would be ultimately guilty and the way they are shown represents how a guilty may effect them. Fuuta's eye is covered, and Kotoko beat up Fuuta resulting in his eye being damaged.
I personally don't agree with the idea that this is the milgram teams idea because I dont think they'd put their own opinions into it. I personally think it was because Fuuta's eyes had a lot to do with his crime, and also the idea that his view of a lot of things is blinded by his goals

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