Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

maetbin Β· 10mo

hi sproutie 🌱🩷 I fell in love with mattbin on ep 1 sksksk bin cried while watching matt perform and i was a goner!! First i used to publicly rps mattbin in my old fandoms rps account in the beginning and later after they debuted i made a priv rps account and continued to ship mattbin but then I was like heyyy there are a lot of other ship rpsers with public rps accounts so I should start one since we don't have any i-sungseokers and here we are!!! :3

hi jia cat !!!!! it’s so cute how almost all sungseokers were born due to that crying scene 😭 but i get it so much i also cried and touched my heart so bad! ILY thank you for gracing the rps world with your presence our president sungseoker !!!!! πŸ«‘πŸ’—

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