Arman · 9 answers · 11mo

[] Apple introduced an exciting headset that seems too good to be true! You have to watch the video to understand what I mean. It starts at $3499. Thoughts? Do you believe this kind of headset has the potential to become as widespread and influential as smartphones?

I have limited experience with headsets like that but if it's anything like the ones I've tried (like VR headsets), then I suspect it'll be too bulky to enjoy for extended periods. The personally most appealing thing I would use that for is watching a movie, because watching one with that spatial experience honestly seems cool... but if I wanted to share that experience with other people, which I often do, that headset is not viable at all. I feel like that's gonna be one of the major downfalls of this product, which is that you can't really share it the full spatial experience with other people. It feels like it would be isolating to use it. You'll have all this stuff in front of you and no one can see it but you. I don't really see people clamoring for that.

Also, the face mapping for FaceTime is wild when you can just FaceTime someone normally on your phone without the creepy AI.

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