LaDamaX · 9 answers · 4y

Have you ever taken an online friendship to real life and off screen? If so, did you continue to enjoy the person’s company as much as you did online, or did the relationship change?

yea, I've met people on csgo who I met up with irl because I was moving to the same city/going to the same school later that month. we went boating. I almost died of heat stroke but it was a good day ! stopped being friends with that group though because one of the loudest dudes in the group wouldn't shut the fuck up about his conservative ass views.

I've also done my fair share of dating apps where I also meet them in person after a little bit. most of the time they are fine people irl, but maybe we don't share the same sense of humor or smth so we don't vibe as much tbh, and it turns out to be a one-time thing. but every now and then there is someone I get along with particularly well and we keep in touch, but in a limited capacity because life is busy and we're all depressed

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