Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a lil birdie · 2y

HI! am I allowed to scream here?? FIRST OF ALL, how is test drive for free???? I cannot function properly anymore I am so in love with your brain and with that fic so much. That will literally be on my mind FOREVER! you have captured my kind of plot for markmin I SWEAR! I CANNOT STRESS IT ENOUGH OF HOW TEST DRIVE IS EVERYTHING TO ME and my markmin heart!! model!jm w/ artist!mk??? MY WET DREAM FR!!! thank you so much for being an amazing person <33

hello there darl! YOU'RE SO SWEET........ i keep rereading this over and over again like i can't believe you would enjoy that monstrous fic so much! i'm just glad i was able to finally deliver the markmin in my head after keeping that wip for 2 years-ish. ISN'T MODEL!JM A DREAM...!!! aw stop thank you for being so lovely with your praise ;; i'm so so flattered that you loved it so!! i hope you're having a nice day xx

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