anon · 4mo

(つಥ⁄⁄⁄ಥ)つi miss u
im constantly checking ur acc waiting for an update or something from u
ଘ(੭ ˘ ᵕ˘)━☆゚.*・。゚please take care of yourself and come back soon

hello anon <33!!!! I recently posted, but I saw that you sent this message before my last post, thank you so much for thinking of me >< I missed drawing during that time as well, anyways don't worry I'm not going anywhere, I just draw less these days because of time constraints >< (that i hope i'll be free of at some point!! like I want to try & regularly draw on the weekends, at least)
Take care of you too anon xoxoo σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡

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