anon · 3mo

your art inspires me so much in so many different ways! i’ve been wanting to cosplay one of your arts for the longest time; your fem binghe’s look a lot like me in real life, and seeing one of my favorite characters resemble me so similarly gives me so much joy! thank you so much for the beautiful artworks! i look forward to seeing each and every one!!

aah thank you so much anon !!!!! AND I TOTALLY SUPPORT IT PLEASEE seeing cosplays of my art is the most flattering thing ;_; <333 please doo and I'd love to see it! especially if you look like my fem binghe, you got me CURIOUS!!!
what you said about binghe and you, that's very touching. I'm learning about another feeling & experience my art gives to people that makes me proud. thank you for looking forward to my art, sometimes when I feel a bit down, or insecure about what I produce, this kind of comment reminds me that there's an audience that always supports me and appreciates what I make. it gives me a lot of comfort, like a balm to the heart. I'll definitely cook some more fem bingqiu this week-end hehehe!

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