Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Whumpee · 10mo

Even though I'm not sure I'll get to participate in your fest, I'm reeeaally really really looking forward to the prompts submitted! They make me itch with curiosity!

Are you going to do prompt previews prior to archive opening? 👀 Or are you allowing prompt adoptions even when the fest is over? And if so, in case you ask socials during prompt submissions, can one then gift the fics to prompters?

We're so glad to hear you're looking forward to prompting as much as we are!
We're definitely up for doing prompt previews while the form is open, so you can look forward to those :)

Prompt adoptions isn't something we've considered until now, but if people are interested in it after the fest is over, we'll be more than happy to open the archive up. To make your request a possibility, we'll include an optional box in the prompting form for socials. Thank you for your question!

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