Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Whumpee · 8mo

how will claiming go? (first time participating in one) will a prompt that's claimed only be allowed by one person or multiple people can claim one prompt?

Hello, welcome to your first claim fest! We're happy to help you through every step if you're confused about anything. Regarding multiple claims for the same prompt, we will be allowing it for the open-ended prompts, aka, where a prompt is formatted as 'Person A and Person B', as long as the two claimaints are using significantly different characters/pairings. Thus, we will be monitoring these claims on a case by case basis - so if you have any concerns about this, we welcome you to contact us privately. Our priority is to make sure everyone is comfortable, and has as much opportunity as possible to join the fest. I hope that makes sense!

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