Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Do u think the reason Rodya was the one like 'don't get him to repeat himself' (paraphrased) about Vergie at the start of Canto 6 was because she's gone through something similar. Y'know with the whole hiding away their feelings and putting on a demeanor to keep others at arms length whilst they stew in their guilt over their own actions thing? I feel her being willing to bring the mood down more recently is a reflection/inversion of Vergie bringing it up (in his way). Being more honest abt herself. Anyways

God you're right you're RIGHT...We last saw her downer attitude when she was at her most vulnerable in Canto II. So her being more miserable is actually kind of a sign we're getting closer just like with Verg and Heathcliff <3 can't wait for Intervallo 6.5-I i need to see her open up and have hijinks

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