Ashley · 2y

What is Nellcher’s favorite flavor ? What is Sycamore’s ? Also, Is there a dessert that’s exclusive to Sycatulip? 🧁

SHE HAS MANY!! But chocolate and berry flavors (strawberries, cherries, etc.) are her top favorites! Sweet and also a bit tangy~
HMMMMM I think Sycamore has a more refined and mature taste! He enjoys coffee, dark chocolate and other flavors that have a hint of liquor. Bitter flavors!

😭😭😭 TO BE HONEST, I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF ONE KJNFKJN (accepting recommendations ;P ) Because there's many flavor combos and colors! Like, they'd have something that mixes coffee and chocolate together but also I see them having a strawberry and blueberry combination that goes with their pink and blue scheme ;;

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